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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Bei der Kommissionierung fünf der

Bei der Kommissionierung fünf der Mini Jackbaum vor seinem Haus und sprach Chairwansyah bzw. Jack wiegt ca. 3 kg und wurde Obsthändler, die sich mit dem Preis von Rp 30.000 pro Stück kam gekauft.

Nach den Grundschullehrer, die wichtigste der Mini Jack Anbau ist zu halten, der Boden feucht bleibt. "Wenn es zu trocken ist, kann die Anlage beschädigt werden und die Blätter fallen ab, weil diese Pflanzen an Orten mit hoher Niederschlagsmenge gedeihen. Allerdings, wenn nicht, können Sie es regelmäßig jeden Tag Wasser", sagte Chairwansyah.
Um gute Früchte zu produzieren, sagte Chairwansyah, wenn die anfängliche Pflanzung von Jungpflanzen gegeben Dünger. In den frühen Tagen, genug Dünger einmal im Monat. Sobald die Pflanzen beginnen, Früchte zu tragen, kann die Befruchtung zwei Mal im Jahr durchgeführt werden. "Maximal ein Kilogramm Dünger pro Jahr für einen einzelnen Baum", sagte er.

Aminuddin, Jack anderen Mini Landwirte MedanBisnis wobei die Düngung in den frühen Phasen einmal im Monat bis zu 100 Gramm NPK einem Baum sechs aufeinanderfolgenden Monaten durchgeführt werden.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

The usual type of feed given to the carp

The usual type of feed given to the carp is as follows: 1 taro leaf / leaf taro leaf Sente 2 3 4 Cassava leaves of kale leaves 5. sweet potato leaves 6 7 Papaya leaves Bean sprouts: mung bean sprouts, bean sprouts red beans, sprouts of young rice seedlings 8 lowongan kerja Pumpkin 9. artificial feed (pellets) 10 Corn cob 11. Bran 12. bean dregs know 13.-cake

Regular feeding with high quality and quantity that can increase the growth of the fish grow faster
In fish farming guramih with this tarp to avoid excessive feeding, if there is food left over must be disposed of. Fish food and fish waste in the pond that contains certain amounts of ammonia which is toxic to guramih. In addition to feeding the number and frequency of regular other things to note is the quality of water.

Although fish gurameh quite resistant to water which is not good but the water needs to be cleaned and replaced the majority (30%) on a periodic basis. Usually the replacement is done once a week by doing shift pond. Water sucked out with a hose or pump, the dirt out through the hose, then refilled with new water. Even better if given pond aerators or filters to increase oxygen levels and automatically cleans dirt.

nursery next to clean the pond of moss and dirt until it is completely clean and in water use chalk paint continues dikeringkan.satu days later the contents of the water with a depth of 30-40 cm.dan prebiotics plangton grower. This is because the majority of carp food derived from food additives or artificial.

Just you listen from our article entitled Agen Bola Tangkas Online Terpercaya dan Terbaik 2014 How to Fish Farming Gurame In Swimming sheeting and concrete and hopefully this article useful for you who want to start Fish Farming Gurameh. In order to reduce the cost of feed please refer to our article, .Cara Aquaculture Fish Feed Cheap Maggot.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Viime aikoina yhä useammat asukkaat ovat

Viime aikoina yhä useammat asukkaat ovat todennäköisesti jatkaa kasvuaan. Kehitys seuraa suoraan lisääntymässä elintarvikkeiden kysyntää. Koska toteuttavat kyseiset elintarvikkeet tulossa yhä esteitä, kuten ilmiö maailmanlaajuisen ilmastonmuutoksen, metsien häviämisen ja lasku maan tuottavuuden sekä yhä useammissa tapauksissa tuholaisten ja kasvitautien jotka johtavat laskussa tuotokset. Siksi uusia strategioita riittävyyden parantamiseksi, turvallisuus, elintarvikkeiden omavaraisuus ja yhteisö, on kehitettävä. Kiinnittää huomiota ja varmista, että siementen pakkauksesta on ehjä ehdon ja pakkausten valmistettu alumiinifoliolla. Jos siemen on käytetty saatujen tulosten investointi, asioita, jotka on pidettävä liittyy siementen laatuun, esimerkiksi kasvit siemeniä otetaan käytettäväksi siementen tulee olla vähintään vähintään 70 päivää. Sinapin siemen on Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya tehtävä erillään muista sinappi kasveja. Huomaa myös, että muut prosessit suoritetaan, kuten ilmastus prosessi, paikka tallentaa ja varmista siemenet istutetaan enintään 3 vuotta varastoon.
2 KÄSITTELYLAITOSTEN LAND Yleensä käsittely peltomaan vihreä kaali kyseessä on tekemässä tilling maaperän ja petaus. Pengemburan tapahtuu hoeing maaperään parantaa maan rakennetta, ilmanvaihto ja peruspalvelujen lannoitetta parantamaan maaperän fysikaalisten ja kemiallisten jonka tarkoituksena on lisätä hedelmällisyyttä maa. Maa on puhdistaa digemburkan päässä pensaat, ruoho, kivet tai puut kasvavat.
Maa on myös oltava esineitä, jotka suojaavat, koska sinappi kasveja kuten suorassa auringonvalossa. Hoeing maaperän syvyys on 20-40 cm. Maa-valmiste, mieluiten orgaanisia lannoitteita, kuten lantaa tai kompostia peräti 10 tonnia jokaista hehtaaria maata. Lannan ja kompostin aikana annettava muokkauksella maaperän orgaaninen lannoite voidaan nopeasti ja tasaisesti sekoittaa maaperään, jota käytetään.

Friday, September 5, 2014

The selection of superior types bibitLebah Honey

The selection of superior types bibitLebah Honey

The characteristics of super quality seeds honeybees:

     Queen bees have a good physical and aged between 3 months to 1 year
     The number and quality of eggs produced many queen bees
     Yields better results more honey, bee pollen, royal jelly and propolis
     Bee larvae produced fresh
     Bees are usually more aggressive

Honey bee colonies reproduce

Raising honey bees in order to produce optimal gains a honey beekeeper should Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya  have a minimum of 100 boxes of honey bee colonies. Measures to increase the number of honey bee colonies:

Herd of honey bees on the location of available feed quite a lot. With the availability of adequate feed the queen bee will produce more eggs and the worker bees are also more active in making new nests.

     Prepare candidates for the honey bee queen honey bee colonies were placed in new ones.
     Separating honey bee colonies already crowded box into the new honey bee colony and placed prospective new queen bee or other ready-made queen.

Make calonRatu Bees

1.Ambil honeybee larvae newly hatched age 1 day

2.Masukan into one piece frame Royal jelly

3.Frame Royal jelly is already filled honey bee larvae placed on the super box (box containing honey bee colonies bee maduminimal 2 level)

4.Sekat / separate box with a super bee honey bee queen is in the bottom box and frames royal jelly honey bee queen candidates placed in the top box. So that the honey bee queen can not approach a potential queen bee honey.

5.Diamkan for 11 days until the candidate becomes the queen bee pupae.

6.Setelah eleven days calin queen bee boxes transferred to the besisi bee colony without the queen.

7:13 days out prospective queen bee cocoons and immediately appointed as the queen bee by the bee colony

8.Bisanya after a week the queen bee is ready to mate and develop new bee colonies that are occupied.

Honey Bee Farming equipment:

     Box of bees, the honey bee colony made ​​of wood or Mahogany Suren
     Pengasap tool to tame aggressive honey bees
     Protective masks of honey bee attacks
     levers strokes
     Brush strokes of honey bees
     Strokes made ​​of wood frame and foundation anchoring the middle given kawatsebagai honeycomb
     Pollen Pollen Trap for panenBee
     Frame Royal Jelly Royal jelly is to harvest and make prospective Queen Bee
     Extraktor to harvest honey

Grazing Honey Bees

Between the months of May to September is the Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya   period in which peternaka bees honey bees tending plantations to provide enough feed honey bees.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Entretien des plantes

Entretien des plantes Agen Judi Bola SBOBET IBCBET Terpercaya Piala Dunia 2014Dans la culture du gingembre, de l'entretien de motivation steps replantation, le désherbage, pembubunan, fertilisation, irrigation / penyiramaan, la pulvérisation de pesticides, paillage, et la lutte antiparasitaire, les mauvaises herbes aussi la maladie.

Couture. Il est le processus par lequel les plantes mortes ou endommagées remplacées par des plants sains qui sont des réserves de semences.
Le désherbage. Cette étape est effectuée par l'amélioration de l'herbe à l'extérieur et fait chaque matin ou le soir. Le but de désherbage est la concurrence éviter untul entre la nourriture et de l'herbe de l'eau et le gingembre.
Pembubunan. Cette étape est effectuée à la plantation de rhizomes rimpangan de fournir des milieux de croissance des rhizomes étaient assez bons. Le truc avec le trésor de retour de zones peeakaran avec la chute sol d'origine hydrique.
Fécondation. Fondamentalement, peut être effectuée par l'intermédiaire d'biologique ou chimique.
Irrigation et d'arrosage. Systématiquement effectué le matin ou en fin d'après-midi quand les plantes sont encore dans la phase précoce de la croissance.

RUMAHTARUHAN88 AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA      La pulvérisation de pesticides. Cette étape se fait que lorsque l'attaque des parasites visibles.
Le paillage. Cette étape consiste à préparer la paille sur le sol pour éviter la sécheresse et prévenir la croissance excessive d'herbes. La paille est répartie uniformément couvrir la surface de la terre dans le trou de plantation.
L'éradication des organismes nuisibles, les mauvaises herbes aussi la maladie. Cette étape est effectuée de manière intensive (telles que la pulvérisation de pesticides) au moment de la menace a été observée. Les parasites qui attaquent souvent les chenilles pouce de gingembre est, les chenilles et les mouches rhizomes broyés. Pendant ce temps les mauvaises herbes potentielles de cultures réunion bouffonnerie est désherbent le jardin comprend écrou-herbe, roseaux, agérate, et autres mauvaises herbes à feuilles larges. Bien que la maladie attaque souvent le champignon Fusarium sont le gingembre et les maladies de flétrissement. La troisième étape est l'éradication de cette barrière par pulvérisation d'un médicament spécial avec konstrasi la zone menacée.
Après les étapes ci-dessus sont faites, attendant juste pour les agriculteurs récoltent rhizome de gingembre. La récolte se fait à la fin de la croissance de gingembre pendant la saison sèche. Toutefois, si aucun délai n'est récolté au cours de la saison sèche, la première année, puis il devrait être fait pendant la saison sèche l'année prochaine. La récolte dans la saison des pluies a causé des dommages à l'rhizome et rhizome associé avec des ingrédients actifs de faible qualité que plus la teneur en eau. La culture du gingembre est fondamentalement très simple. Si vous n'êtes pas encore prêt à faire la culture du gingembre comme un pilier de l'économie, il n'y a pas de mal à la plantation de gingembre dans la cour. En plus d'être une plante médicinale, le gingembre peut également être Tanama ornementale, car il a de belles fleurs.......

Sunday, July 20, 2014

You may be wondering why so many people choose

You may be wondering why so many people choose tennis over other sports. There are many reasons to take the court and all of them are equally acceptable. Maybe you want an outlet for your competitive spirit and a desire to improve yourself. BOLAWIN88.COM PUSAT BANDAR TARUHAN AGEN JUDI BOLA CASINO POKER BOLATANGKAS DAN TOGEL ONLINE TERPERCAYA INDONESIAFocusing on goals and develop new skills is easy in tennis. You can test yourself against other people in the league and tournament competition as freely offered. Players looking for a more relaxed route will also find plenty of opportunities. Not all competitive tennis league. Many activities can be just as much social as physical training hard fight.
When you play tennis you have a way out of the stress accumulated during a long day at the office. Sitting at a desk for eight hours a day is not the ideal way to stay in shape. Get outside and stay active can reduce the stress you feel while giving you a great opportunity to improve the quality of your life. Tennis is a sport that is very balanced, which will work out the arms, legs, and your core muscles all at the same time. Throw in one singles match per week and you have also discussed a large number of cardio training is required.
Sometimes it can be difficult to get involved in tennis. BelajAku comes in a handful of more than a few people stuck in their four-wheel drive, with zero recovery equipment (and often zero knowledge about what to do as well!). I'm not saying this to be discouraging, but it is very important to be ready when you go four-wheel driving. If you take the time to learn the basics of four-wheel drive, and you get your recovery policy tools will have a peaceful time, and a lot of fun every time you go. I always suggest to 4 x 4 with two vehicles,
MASTERPOKER88.COM JUDI POKER ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA RESMI DAN TERPERCAYAto make it safer and easier to restore one if you get stuck.
However, there are some things that you should always be in four wheel drive, regardless of where you go. The first is a shovel. A few minutes of digging around your tires will usually make all the difference when it comes to four-wheel-drive recovery. The second is a measure of the tire. When you go four wheel steer tire pressure should be dropped by the district, to enable greater levels of traction. If you do not know what your tire pressure is at, you are in big trouble! The third is the compressor, which is needed to pump your tires back to normal levels when you finish a four-wheel drive. Major League action came to the DW stadium in Wigan during the competition week 16 clash with Chelsea on Saturday, December 17, 2011.
Wigan scored a 2-1 win come-from-behind admirable go at west Brom in the competition week 15 West Brom the lead 33 minutes by Reid; Moses helped the visitors equalized four minutes later, and Jordi Gomez scored the winner for the Latics, 12 minutes after the interval. Tim Martinez manager expresses happiness on the strength of character shown by his district in their second consecutive win Tandang. Brilliant free kick taken Reid put the host ahead and four minutes later Moses surrendered 21 birthday present by clinging on for Dia
Badak88 Agen Bola Resmi Promo 100% SBOBET IBCBET Jelang Piala Dunia 2014me's centered ball from the left wing to finish directly. Moses also had a hand in the winning goal during Wigan's wing chocked by Reid in the territory of Albion to recognize sentences.

Monday, July 14, 2014

ka kooban lahayn cayayaanka ciida iyo

ka kooban lahayn cayayaanka ciida iyo cuduro ama arrimo kale oo waxyeeleeya; Goobta § helo gaadhista iftiinka qoraxda ku filan; iyo § dhow isha biyaha. JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA
Seeding waxaa la samayn karaa in habka soo socda:
Seeding on sariirood § sariiraha sameeyey Kahor, kaymo, 30 dalka cm sariirood oo qoto dheer oo la sameeyey 110-120 cm ballaaran kala filiqsan laga bilaabo waqooyiga ilaa koonfurta. § Add halsano digada kala shaandheeyo ganaax iyo qas ciidda at cabirku yahay 1:2 ama 1:1. § shub ka WarungTani POC xal ayaan xidhmo 10 ml / lt oo biyo ah, dose WT bactericide of 10 ml / lt oo biyo ah & WT Trico dose GLIO / of 10 ml / lt oo biyo ah, ha u istaagaan 2 maalmood. § raso waxaa hadhka leh iyo hoos caag, caws engegan oo kale ama ka tago sidii sare sida 1.25 si 1.50 m dhinaca bari iyo 0.8-1.0 m dhinaca galbeedka. § Seeding waxaa la samayn karaa labo siyaabood, in ku faafaa siman on sariiro ama qaybiyey Line sida qoto dheer sida 0.2 si 1.0 cm. Habka ugu horeeyay ee u baahan abuur ka yar habka labaad. § Ku dhowaad 2 todobaad ka dib beero, geedo ku wareejiyay tuubada. § Bumbung waxaa la samayn karaa laga bilaabo caleenta muuska ama caag ah warqad-deyran ku leh dhexroor ah 4-5 cm joogga ah ee 5 cm ama polybags cm 7x10 t JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYAaas oo uu leeyahay laba godad yar yar oo labada dhinac ee hooseysa. § Bumbung buuxiyey warbaahinta isku dhafan kala shaandheeyo shaandho si cajiib leh digada iyo Barandho dhulka oo cabirku yahay 1:2 ama 1:1. § Faa'iidada leh habkan waa, geedo sirqoollada dusha midnimada tiro abuur badan dhuuban iyo ballaaran waqti lagu badbaadinayo. Faa'iida waa isticmaalka badan oo abuurka, jaridda dhirta adag tahay, u baahan in shaqaale xirfad leh, gaar ahaan marka transplanting oo duurka u. Seeding ee tuubada (weelasha ama polybags) § In ay sidan tahay, mid mid farcankiisii ​​la gelinayaa tuubada kaas oo ka dhigay hab sida kor ku xusan. § shub xal of POC WarungTani ayaan xidhmo 10 ml / lt oo biyo ah, dose WT bactericide of 10 ml / lt oo biyo ah & WT Trico dose GLIO / of 10 ml / litir oo biyo ah. § Bumbung waxaa la samayn karaa ee caleenta muuska ama caleemo qumbaha iyo dheer ballaciisu yahay 5 cm ama leh poly yar oo lagu qiyaaso 7-8 cm x 10 cm. Seeding § Media waa isku dar ah ee ciidda ganaax leh halsano digada (2:1) sida ugu badan ee 90%. § habboon tahay in warbaahinta mar hore loo jeermis dilay by karisid seedling warbaahinta seedling at heerkulka 55-100 darajo C 30-60 daqiiqo ama by moobeyl JUDI POKER, AGEN POKER, AGEN SITUS TARUHAN BANDAR JUDI POKER ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA of POC WarungTani ayaan xidhmo 10 ml / lt oo biyo ah, dose WT bactericide of 10 ml / lt oo biyo ah & WT Trico / GLIO dose of 10 ml / lt oo biyo ah, daboolan bac (24 saacadood), ka dibna aerated.