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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

pest Mites

pest MitesCause : red mite ( Oligonychus ) . Part attacked leaves . Symptoms : leaves become glossy and colored bronz . Control : Spray Pestona or BVR .
b . caterpillars SetoraCause : Setora Nitens . Part
Jadwal Bola  of being attacked are the leaves . Symptoms : leaves eaten so lidinya left alone . Control : Spraying with Pestona .
4.2 . disease
a. root BlastCause : Rhizoctonia lamellifera and Phythium Sp . Section attacked roots . Symptoms : Sudden death in the nursery seedlings , mature plants wither and die , the roots decay occurs . Control : the creation of a good seedbed , the provision of irrigation water in the dry season , the use of seeds of more than 11 months old . Prevention with Natural GLIO use .
b . Yellow linesCause : Fusarium oxysporum . Section attacked leaves . Symptoms : pale yellow oval circle around the brown color on the leaves , the leaves dry . Control : inoculation of disease on seedlings and young plants . Prevention with Natural GLIO use since the beginning .
c . Dry Basal RotCause : Ceratocyctis paradoxa . Part rods attacked . Symptoms : midrib easily broken , decaying leaves and dried ; die young leaves and dried . Control : is to plant the seeds that had been inoculated with the disease .Note : If the pest control using natural pesticides can not cope with the recommended chemical pesticide used . To be more evenly spraying of chemical pesticides and not easily lost by rainwater add Adhesives Straighten AERO 810 , dose + 5 ml ( 1/2 cap ) / tank . Spraying herbicides ( for weed ) in order to more effectively and efficiently can be mixed Adhesives Straighten AERO 810 , dose + 5 ml ( 1/2 cap ) / tank .
5 . PanenHidroponik taken from two word comes from the Greek words hydro meaning water and ponos , which means power ( wikipedia ) . The point is how to grow crops without the use of soil media and media use water as a replacement . Using the medium of water as a medium to grow plants . In principle all plants can be grown using hydroponics system . There are a variety of hydroponic techniques that you can choose to grow in hydroponics .
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What should be prepared to grow hydroponic
free classified adsplants ? ? how to grow hydroponic medium principle is not to use the land but using water media with the necessary nutrients for the plants to grow and thrive . Well if you want to start a hydroponic plant
1 . Seedling seed plantsBeginning before planting crops of course we need to plant seeds , seedlings are first seeds to plant seeds are ready to be transferred planting . You can grow vegetables at harvest time is short so fast harvest , spinach , kale , mustard greens , for example . This preparation as much as possible 2 weeks before planting and hydroponic systems selected .
2 . hydroponic systemThere are many hydroponic systems that you can choose to plant hydroponic , wick system , NFT , fertigation . If the beginning is the most easy to use scale hobby wick system / axis . easy and cheap .
3 . Media are requiredTo grow hydroponic media of course require a place to grow plants , well there are some tools and equipment that you need to prepare before starting berhidroponik.1 ) Growing media , you can use a planting medium such as rockwool , cocopeat , husk fuel , sand etc. . 2 ) sets of hydroponics , you can buy a starter kit for the wick system or you can also create your own .
4 . nutrients HydroponicsHydroponic Nutrients are essential for the success in growing hydroponics , hydroponic nutrients because no course you can not grow it hydroponically . hydroponic nutrients are macro and micro nutrients that is required for plant growth . You can buy or make your own as well , for I am sure the scale hobby buy much cheaper than making your own .
5 . maintenanceWhen all was ready , the seeds are ready for planting next stage is hydroponic plant maintenance period . Try to fit the needs of the plant nutrients that optimal growth as expected .
6 . harvest Hydroponics
The sixth stage of the above is how to grow hydro
Taruhan Bola Online ponic crops , for you can choose to scale hobby scale or production scale .

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Welcome to the blog Journal of Education . Journal of Educational buddy On this occasion the admin will share an article about Sample Melon Fruit Research titled

Welcome to the blog Journal of Education . Journal of Educational buddy On this occasion the admin will share an article about Sample Melon Fruit Research titled " Identification Diameter Weight Thickness Meat Fruit AnPulau Pari  d Melon ( Cucumis melo , l . ) Tetraploid Cultivars Action 434 Colchicine Treatment Effect " composed by my friend Y. Ulung Anggraito ( State University of Semarang ) . education or maybe my friend would like to first read the previous post that talks about " Examples of Passion Fruit Research :: Kinetics of Changes in Late Old Effervescent Tablets Passion Fruit During Storage " . hopefully useful .

IDENTIFICATION OF WEIGHT , DIAMETER , AND THICK MEAT FRUIT Melon ( Cucumis melo L. ) cultivars ACTION AS A RESULT OF TREATMENT 434 colchicine tetraploidY. Ulung AnggraitoDepartment of Biology Gd . D1 Lt . 1 State University of Semarang 50229
ABSTRACTIndonesian farmers are very dependence on certificated seed from another countries . In the other side the natural resources and men very abundance powers . For these reason it is properly developed research in the agriculture sector , especially on breeding plants . It can be hoped that in the future the dependence on certificated seed from another countries can be minimized . The objectives of this research were : ( 1 ) to find out the concentration and the dipping period, the which is effective to induce polyploid in musk melon plant , ( 2 ) identify the weight , diameter , flesh thickness of tetraploid and musk melon as result of colchicines treatment . The sample of this research was musk melon cultivars Action 434 , the product of Chia Seed - Thai , Thailand . The number of samples was 480 plants , plants roomates on the field randomly . There were four colchicines concentration as an independent variable : 0.0 % , 0:05 % , 0:10 % and 0.2 % . The dipping period were 12 , 16 , 20 , and 24 hours respectively for each concentration . Completely Random Design was used in three replications . Measurement data were Analyzed with Two Way ANOVA , DMRT , and LSD . From this research can be concluded that : ( 1 ) 0.2 % colchicines is the most effective concentration to induce polyploid on musk melon , with dipping effective period varied from 16-24 hours , ( 2 ) there are changes in weight , diameter , and flesh thickness characters , with the Increased tendency of each character in the definite norm .
Key words : musk melon , colchicines , tetraploid

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INTRODUCTIONIndonesia is known as an agricultural country with natural resources and human resources are abundant , but on the other hand the level of dependence on the provision of improved seed is still very high . It is necessary for an Indonesian human empowerment movement to process all natural resources wisely owned . One effort that can be done is to increase research activities in the agricultural sector , particularly in the field of plant breeding . Plant breeding can be done in various ways : crossover , mutation , or through genetic engineering of plants . Through chromosomal mutation plant breeding has been done , especially using a chemical called colchicine .
Each plant respond differently to colchicine treatment , depending on the concentration and immersion time , including melon plants . Colchicine can induce chromosome doubling sets , resulting in a polyploid plant . Polyploid plants have different morphological characters with diploid plants . Melon plants polyploid character recognition is very important to determine whether a plant is diploid or polyploid .
The problem posed in this study were : ( 1 ) the effective concentration of colchicine how to produce tetraploid melons , ( 2 ) how much time soaking most effective , ( 3 ) changes in the factors of production does occur in tetraploid melons . In this study the character to be observed is the fruit weight , fruit diameter , and thi
Jadwal Bola ck flesh melons .
Polyploidy is a state of an individual who has more than two sets of chromosomes ( Welsh , 1991; Snustad et al . , 1997; Griffiths et al . , 1999) . Currently, there are known various polyploid crops , such as potatoes , pears , apples , oranges , and grapes . Chemical compounds such as asenaften , etilmetil - chloride , and sulfamida known to induce polyploid crops ( Allard , 1988) .
Physical characteristics common polyploid plants ( Griffith et al . , 1999; Ramirez , 1991) is increasing the size of the cell , the cell growth rate slower , thicker leaves , larger flowers and little , larger fruit , and declining fertility at various levels compared with diploid plants . In polyploid maize plants have a larger physical plant , sturdy , with an increased content of vitamin A ( Crowder , 1993) . Polyploidy is common in a wide variety of plants . Avers (1989 ) and Ramirez (1991 ) estimates that about 47% of species of Angiospermae and almost 70 % are polyploid grasses .
Colchicine is an alkaloid produced by the plant crocus ( Colchicum autumnale , L. ) is widely grown in Europe , India , and North Africa ( Snustad et al , 1997) . The molecular formula is C22H25O6N colchicine . Colchicine is traded in the form
Script Iklan Baris of a fine white powder . These compounds have the properties of easily soluble in water and is used in low concentrations . According Gunarso (1989 ) , to induce polyploidy in plants , colchicine effectively used at a concentration of 0.01 to 1.00 % , with a soaking time of 6-72 hours long . Colchicine , effective in its use because it produces a higher percentage of polyploid than other compounds , at concentrations nontoxic to plants ( Allard , 1988 ) .

Thursday, March 13, 2014


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opinn - eldhús - hönnun - ideasSaat mörg fyrirtæki Sjálfsafgreiðsla sem gilda hugmyndina um opnu eldhúsi á verslunum sínum . Það kemur í ljós að hugtakið er högg með neytendur , vegna þess að opnu eldhúsi gefur gagnsæi til matvælavinnslu viðskiptavini . Viðskiptavinir geti séð vinnslu og tryggja að matvæli unnin er hreinn og öruggur .
Unique opið eldhús hugtak mikill uppgangur þetta gerir okkur langar að koma með það heim , en spurningin er kynnt getur opnað eldhús heima ? Er hugmyndin er hentugur fyrir eldhús heimili ? Halda áfram að lesa →Þessi færsla var staða í blanda og jafningi og tagged Eldhús Clean, Dirty Eldhús, blanda og jafningi, opið eldhús, Ábending Togel Singapura | Togel China | Togel Sydney | Togel Cambodia ar þann 25. júní 2013.Jelantah Oil HagurSkildu eftir svar
Danger - nota- Oil- Jelantah - 1Minyak elda heimilissorpi sem er alltaf til staðar á hverju heimili . Flest okkar fleygðu notað matarolíu sem okkur finnst um eins og úrgang . Ekki sé minnst á hættuna sem af notað matarolíu fyrir heilsu okkar , sem gerir okkur að hugsa um að notaður matarolía ekki lengur hefur það hlutverk í lífi okkar .
En það kemur úrgangur matarolíu getur samt verið notaður fyrir lífi okkar . Nokkrar rannsóknir og rannsóknir hafa uppgötvað kosti þess matarolíu sem reyndist vera mjög hjálpsamur við okkur . Halda áfram að lesa →This innganga var staða á Lausnir og tagged Hagur af olíu, ætur olíu , olíu Jelantah , lausnir , ábendingar 24. júní 2013.Stone steypuhræra VS BlenderSkildu eftir svar
BlendHadirnya blender sem er multi - virka tól kvörn , steinn steypuhræra nálægð hefur gert lítið vinstri út . Flestir mæður gera ráð fyrir að heimilin eru miklu meira hagnýtt notkun blandara og duglegur , eins og það sparar tíma og orku . Ólíkt mengguaka steinn steypuhræra ætti að nota mannlega vald til að slétta , og smá tímafrekt , sérstaklega fyrir harða kryddi .
Hins vegar eru aðrar skoðanir sem segja að unnin niðurstöður blender ekki sesedap steinn steypuhræra. Lúmskur krydd eða condiment framleitt með steinn steypuhræra ilm og feel fleiri vakandi . En blender er ekki eins sterk og unnum hreinsaður steini steypuhræra. Halda áfram að lesa →Þessi færsla var sta Judi Poker Online Uang Asli Indonesia ða í eldhús verkfæri og tagged Ósvikinn Stone, Blender , krydd, Cobek Stone, Sambal , ábendingar 21. júní 2013.Easy Leiðir til að hugsa um skeið og gaffalSkildu eftir svar
384332_503378606340827_442694001_nSendok og hnífapör punga vera nauðsynlegt að vera í nánast öllum veizlu . Skeið og gaffal hnífapör eru einnig algengasta beint samband við munn . Fyrir skeið og gaffal getur oft mynda leiðandi dikataka gerla komast inn í líkama okkar . Vegna þess að hreinlæti skeið og gaffal eru mjög mikilvægt fyrir okkur.
Auk þess að viðhalda heilbrigðu líkama , þrífa skeið og gaffal líka verið dómar annarra eða gestum okkar , á heildareignir hreinlæti allt húsið . Því að það er mjög mikilvægt að viðhalda hreinleika af skeið og gaffli .
Fyrst af öllu , fyrst að bera kennsl á efni fyrir skeiðar og gafflar . Efnið er yfirleitt málmur skeið og gaffal ryðfríu eða ryðfríu stáli . Það er líka úr silfri , kopar og plast. Ryðfrítt stál efni einnig getur skilað 100 % eða aðeins 50 % , allt eftir gæðum hennar . Vinsælasta er samsett úr ryðfríu stáli með litríka plastefni. Einnig ganga úr skugga um að efni í þessum búnaði er algerlega öruggt fyrir mat eða mat bekk. Halda áfram að lesa →This innganga var staða á Lausnir og tagged eldhússbúnað Food Grade, gaffal, Umhyggja eggjárn, skeiðar , Kenndur 20. júní 2013.Eldavél Hood Eldhús , Hversu mikilvægt ?Skildu eftir svar
hood2Pada nútíma bústað - eldavél , tómarúm furnaces , eða fleiri almennt nefndur cookerhood hefur verið mikið af okkur hafa komið . The aðalæð virka af the cookerhood er að sjúga reyk leifarnar brennandi eldavélinni á meðan matreiðslu . Auk cookerhood geta einnig vera notaður til að fegra eldhúsið þitt , vegna einstaka þess og áhugavert .
En , taukah þú raunverulega virkni og notagildi cookerhood , og hvað eru gerðir af cookerhood ? Eftirfarandi eru nokkrar Bandar Judi Poker Situs Poker Online Terpercaya af þeim notar og tegundir af cookerhood og hvernig á að meðhöndla þá .
Cookerhood gagnlegt fyrir þrif / Heillandi óhreinum lofti sem kemur frá matreiðslu ferli . Með cookerhood , eitraðar frá brennslu eldavélinni eða gufu vegna elda mat er ekki andað og slá lungu. Þar að auki cookerhood einnig hjálpa freshen loftið í eldhúsinu sem ekki hafa fullnægjandi loftræstingu . Halda áfram að lesa →Þessi færsla var staða í blanda og jafningi og tagged strompinn, eldavél hetta , nútíma eldhús , elda, lægstur, blanda og jafningi, Modern, eldavél hetta , ábendingar 19. júní 2013.Velja Eldhús SetSkildu eftir svar
Eldhús Leikmynd - Design1H
Kuliner Balikpapan ampir í öllum húsum í þéttbýli nota eldhús sett fyrir eldhúsið þeirra. Auk þess að fegra herbergi, eldhús sett einnig leyfa okkur að geyma elda áhöld og elda innihaldsefni .
A breiður fjölbreytni af lögun, efni og liti sem bjóða upp á eldhús sett framleiðendur sem fylgja smekk neytenda . Áður en ákvörðun um að kaupa eða jafnvel gera eigin eldhúsinu þínu sett, hjálpar það okkur vita the mikilvægur landshluti af the eldhús sett .
1 . Efri hluti af skáp : skáp er hengdur upp á vegg til að hafa í stöðluðu hámarks dýpt 40 cm. Halda áfram að lesa →Þessi færsla var staða í blanda og jafningi og tagged eldhúsið, eldhús lægstur, nútíma eldhús, eldhús sett , ábendingar þann 18. júní 2013.